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A Tour of EchoStation

Repeater Control

Use EchoStation and a PC as a full-featured repeater controller!  Supports Simplex Repeater and Duplex Repeater modes (with autopatch).  Audio mixing, DTMF decoding, CW ID, AGC, and VOX are all built into the software, so very few external components are required.

Repeater Options

All basic repeater functions are supported - conventional repeater, simplex repeater, CW ID, "hang" timer, timeout timer, voice ID, courtesy tone, and autopatch.  (Autopatch uses the PC's voice modem.)  For simplex repeater operation, set any time limit on transmissions, from 5 seconds up to 5 minutes.

Audio Controls

EchoStation gives you complete control over your computer's sound card.   Regardless of which make or model of sound card you use, you can precisely mix the level of every source.  An AGC feature is included to set optimum levels automatically.  For flexibility, EchoStation fully supports multiple sound cards, if you have more than one installed -- you can record announcements on one, and connect your receiver to the other.

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In Repeater mode, EchoStation uses your computer's voice modem for forward and reverse autopatch.  Dialing rules, phone number read-back, long-distance blocking, and call logging are all supported.

DTMF Control

Use DTMF (TouchTone) commands for complete remote control of EchoStation.

Control Link

EchoStation includes support for a wireline control link.  You can set up a modem for basic dial-in control, or use EchoStation's built-in Web server to accept commands securely over the Internet from any Web browser.

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